The csa API

class pygridgen.csa.CSA(xin, yin, zin, sigma=None, npmin=3, npmax=40, k=140, nppc=5)[source]

Bases: object

Cubic spline approximation for re-gridding 2D data sets

xin : array-like

an array of x data point locations

yin : array-like

an array of z data point locations

zin : array-like

an array of z data point locations

sigma : array-like or None

an array of errors for zin (standard deviation) None for no error (default)

k : integer

Set the spline sensitivity (default = 140). Reduce to get smoother results.

nppc : integer

Average number of points per cell (default = 5) Decrease to get smaller cells or increase to get larger cells

npmin : integer

Minimal number of points locally involved in spline calculation (default = 3)

npmax : integer

Maximum number of points locally involved in spline calculation (default = 40)

csa_interp : object

This object can be called with arguments of x and y points to be interpolated to. The input data, zin, can be reset by overwriting that object parameter.


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pygridgen import csa
xin = np.random.randn(10000)
yin = np.random.randn(10000)
zin = np.sin( xin**2 + yin**2 ) / (xin**2 + yin**2 )
xout, yout = np.mgrid[-3:3:10j, -3:3:10j]
csa_interp = csa.CSA(xin, yin, zin)
zout = csa_interp(xout, yout)
img = plt.imshow(zout)

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


Input values to be approximated

plot(xout, yout, ax=None, mesh_opts=None, scatter_opts=None)[source]

Plot the input and output data set from the cubic split approximation.

xout, yout : array-like

Two-dimensional arrays of x/y coordinates at which zout should be estimated.

ax : matplotlib Axes, optional

The axes on which the plot should be drawn. If not provided, a new axes and figure will be created.

mesh_opts, scatter_opts : dict, optional

Dictionary of plotting options passed to matplotlib’s pcolormesh and scatter functions, respectively.

ax : matplotlib Axes.
name = ''
path = '/home/paul/miniconda3/envs/grid/lib'