Source code for pygridgen.csa

import sys
import os
import site
import ctypes
from pkg_resources import resource_filename

import numpy
from matplotlib import pyplot

[docs]class CSA(object): """ Cubic spline approximation for re-gridding 2D data sets Parameters ---------- xin : array-like an array of x data point locations yin : array-like an array of z data point locations zin : array-like an array of z data point locations sigma : array-like or None an array of errors for zin (standard deviation) None for no error (default) k : integer Set the spline sensitivity (default = 140). Reduce to get smoother results. nppc : integer Average number of points per cell (default = 5) Decrease to get smaller cells or increase to get larger cells npmin : integer Minimal number of points locally involved in spline calculation (default = 3) npmax : integer Maximum number of points locally involved in spline calculation (default = 40) Returns ------- csa_interp : object This object can be called with arguments of x and y points to be interpolated to. The input data, zin, can be reset by overwriting that object parameter. Examples -------- .. plot :: :include-source: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pygridgen import csa xin = np.random.randn(10000) yin = np.random.randn(10000) zin = np.sin( xin**2 + yin**2 ) / (xin**2 + yin**2 ) xout, yout = np.mgrid[-3:3:10j, -3:3:10j] csa_interp = csa.CSA(xin, yin, zin) zout = csa_interp(xout, yout) img = plt.imshow(zout) """ _libcsa_paths = [ ('', os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'lib')), ('libcsa', os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'lib')), ('', '/usr/local/lib'), ('libcsa', '/usr/local/lib'), ] for name, path in _libcsa_paths: try: _csa = numpy.ctypeslib.load_library(name, path) break except OSError: pass else: raise OSError('Failed to load the CSA library.') _csa.csa_approximatepoints2.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double) def __init__(self, xin, yin, zin, sigma=None, npmin=3, npmax=40, k=140, nppc=5): = numpy.asarray(xin) self.yin = numpy.asarray(yin) if xin.size != yin.size: raise ValueError('xin and yin must have the same number ' 'of elements') self._zin = zin self.sigma = sigma self.k = k self.nppc = nppc self.npmin = npmin self.npmax = npmax @property def zin(self): """ Input values to be approximated """ return self._zin @zin.setter def zin(self, value): zin = numpy.asarray(value) if zin.size != raise ValueError('zin must have the same number of elements as ' 'xin and yin') self._zin = value def _calculate_points(self, xout, yout): xout = numpy.asarray(xout) yout = numpy.asarray(yout) nin = nout = xout.size if self.sigma is None: sigma = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)() else: sigma = (ctypes.c_double * nin)(*(self.sigma * numpy.ones_like( zout = None zout = self._csa.csa_approximatepoints2( ctypes.c_int(nin), # int nin (ctypes.c_double * nin)(*, # double xin[] (ctypes.c_double * nin)(*self.yin.flat), # double yin[] (ctypes.c_double * nin)(*self._zin.flat), # double zin[] sigma, # double sigma[] or NULL ctypes.c_int(nout), # int nout (ctypes.c_double * nout)(*xout.flat), # double xout[] (ctypes.c_double * nout)(*yout.flat), # double yout[] ctypes.c_int(self.npmin), # int npmin ctypes.c_int(self.npmax), # int npmax ctypes.c_int(self.k), # int k ctypes.c_int(self.nppc) # int nppc ) zout = numpy.asarray([zout[i] for i in range(nout)]) zout.shape = xout.shape return, zout) def __call__(self, xout, yout): """ Return interpolated values of ``zin`` Parameters ---------- xout, yout : array-like Two-dimensional arrays of x/y coordinates at which ``zout`` should be estimated. Returns ------- zout : numpy ndarray Interpolated z-values. """ xout = numpy.asarray(xout) yout = numpy.asarray(yout) return self._calculate_points(xout, yout)
[docs] def plot(self, xout, yout, ax=None, mesh_opts=None, scatter_opts=None): """ Plot the input and output data set from the cubic split approximation. Parameters ---------- xout, yout : array-like Two-dimensional arrays of x/y coordinates at which ``zout`` should be estimated. ax : matplotlib Axes, optional The axes on which the plot should be drawn. If not provided, a new axes and figure will be created. mesh_opts, scatter_opts : dict, optional Dictionary of plotting options passed to matplotlib's `pcolormesh` and `scatter` functions, respectively. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib Axes. """ if ax is None: fig, ax = pyplot.subplots() else: fig = ax.figure if mesh_opts is None: mesh_opts = {} if scatter_opts is None: scatter_opts = {} fig, ax = pyplot.subplots() zout = self._calculate_points(xout, yout) ax.pcolormesh(xout, yout, zout, **mesh_opts) ax.scatter(, self.yin, 10, self.zin, **scatter_opts) fig.colorbar() return fig
if __name__ == '__main__': xin = numpy.random.randn(10000) yin = numpy.random.randn(10000) zin = numpy.sin(xin**2 + yin**2) / (xin**2 + yin**2) sigma = 0.01 * numpy.ones_like(xin) print(' ### Set up input data points') xout, yout = numpy.mgrid[-3:3:100j, -3:3:100j] csa_interp = CSA(xin, yin, zin) fig, (ax1, ax2) = pyplot.subplots(ncols=2) csa_interp.plot(xout, yout, ax=ax1, mesh_opts=dict(vmin=-1, vmax=1), scatter_opts=dict(vmin=-1, vmax=1, edgecolors='none')) csa_interp.zin = numpy.cos(xin + yin**2) csa_interp.plot(xout, yout, ax=ax2, mesh_opts=dict(vmin=-1, vmax=1), scatter_opts=dict(vmin=-1, vmax=1, edgecolors='none'))